Tax Season To Begin January 29, End April 17, Says IRS!
7 Min read Toby Nwazor May 30th, 2024

Tax Season To Begin January 29, End April 17, Says IRS!

Now that finally, Christmas & New Year card season has departed away, the year 2018 is producing new and real duties for mail carriers i.e., entrusting the tax forms. Getting yourself organized for New Year is more like an old talk, as of now, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) scheduled January 29, 2018, as tax season opening date. Presently, taxpayers are aligned to collect their tax forms via mail or some have already get it in the hands.

From the variety of tax forms, W-2 is the form that most taxpayers are worried about as it has an annual due date of January 31st. Regardless of Saturday, Sunday, and other legal holidays, your tax form must be submitted (properly addressed and mailed) on or before the due date to respective authority.

The IRS orator, Mr. Michael Devine stated- You can file anytime you want. Don’t rush to file, you’ve got plenty of time. With such a relief statement, Michael cleared to taxpayers that documents should be considered as the main thing instead of filing the tax. He also added, Many tax software companies will accept your return. What we want you to do is think about this. You need to have a lot of documents before you can file, your W2s and 1099s.

The main perk taxpayers getting this year is an extra couple of days freedom to file the tax. Prior to the assertion made by the IRS, the deadline date was announced on April 15, 2018, to file the tax return. Luckily, but, April 15 falls on a Sunday which extended the traditional deadline date to April 16. Surprisingly, the District of Columbia has a holiday on April 16 due to the event of Emancipation Day.

Devine further cleared that- Because it’s a holiday in Washington, D.C., that makes it a tax holiday. The government is still open, but we can’t collect taxes on a holiday in the District of Columbia, so everybody gets an extra day.Henceforth, the deadline for filing the tax returns for the year 2018 is April 2018.

The spokesman, Devine, tried to circulate the hype as well and stated, We know that we’re going to see about the same number of returns from Kansas as we did last year, about 1.3 million. More than 90 percent of those are going to be filed electronically. For those people who are filing for the first time, believe the hype. In order to file your tax accurately and instantly, E-file is the best option as at the same time you can file both of your: federal and state return.

Keep in mind that the deadline to file your tax for the year 2018 is April 17, with including two days relief. IRS itself asking taxpayers to use Electronic medium while stepping ahead to file the tax.

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