Top 10 Blogs For CPAs, Accountant, and SMB Owners
Even though the web is fairly young, just about a couple of decades-old, but currently it has an inevitable place in every individual’s life. So much so that it is difficult to imagine the daily running of our lives without it. The interweb is a widely used tool for various things, but one of the most beneficial phenomena yielded out of it is the exchange of information, or shall we say the availability of the latest trending information, at just a couple of clicks of the cursor. Information, when relevant, proves to be of boon, and this is exactly why today we’re talking about the top 10 best finance blogs that should be referred to by accountants, CPAs, and small business owners to get their daily dose of trending topics, stay up to date with the latest developments in the industry, and be aware of how to bring about change in the current work propaganda.
Read on to know about the 10 Blogs that you should follow if you’re a CPA, Accountant or a small or medium-sized business owner:
1. Accounting Today
Accounting Today is a prominent accounting website dealing with the drop of the day accounting and finance related news, a trade magazine and a super-informative blog. They have quite a user-friendly layout and an array of information. It proves to be one of the best resources to be referred by public accountants, tax professionals, bookkeepers, SMB owners or even the general public to stay updated with the latest happenings in the accounts and the finance world.
2. AICPA Insights
We personally love the layout and color scheme of this website. AICPA is the abbreviation for the American Institute of CPAs. AICPA Insights is one of the most proficient accounting blogs. Here you can read relevant posts written by the AICPA staff, accounting experts, industry experts on a wide variety of topics such as tax, cybersecurity, CPA practices, personal financial planning, and even technology. Reading anything on this website, you can rest assured that it’s coming from quite a reliable source.
3. Accounting WEB
Accounting WEB is the go-to website for the modern accountant of the 21st century. It is a prolific online community for CPAs and accountants. For their readers, this website is offering insights, news from the accounting industry. This is a technology targeting website concentrating specifically on CPA practice and tax. If you’re on the web for the latest news related to cloud accounting, accounting ethics, law, and software, this is the place to go.
4. Accountex Report
Renamed from being called as the Sleeter Group, now Accountex Report is one of the primary sources to be referred to when looking for information related to accounting technology and QuickBooks software. Accountex report is the go-to place on the internet if you want to learn about cloud technology, and the development in the accounting world in relevance to cloud technology such as cloud hosting.
5. CPA Practice Advisor
CPA practice advisor is available in both, print as well as the digital version. It stands to be one of the most popular practice management resource to be referred to by accounting and tax professionals. CPA practice advisor sports a variety of reader interest topics such as news related to payroll, tax, and accounting, ways to enhance firm management, and software reviews.
6. Taxgirl
A female law student turned tax advisor, Kelly, started this blog for her love for tax. She writes for Forbes as well, on her blog readers can find the latest tax alterations and updates that have taken place explained in well detail with much clarity. The most recent one that she has detailed upon is the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA). Her writing is crisp, refreshing and we personally love how clean, minimalist, and easily navigable her site is.
7. Firm of the Future
Firm of the Future is a blog powered by Intuit; that you should add to your must-read list. If expert advice is what you seek, and finding new ways to innovate your organization is your lookout, Firm of the future is just the right place to be. This blog will give you a lot of fodder on enhancing accounting practices, develop better client strategies, and how to be a better tech advisor to your clients. It’s a given that being powered by Intuit, Firm of the future becomes the most reliable blog to go to when you want insights on the latest updates on QuickBooks.
8. Sagenext
Many times, big surprises come in small packages, which is the case with Sagenext. Being a niche website, we have managed to produce relevant content that has been featured on Magna Carta websites like accounting today. At Sagenext, we’re driven towards reader engagement and strive to put out content that’s not too hefty to read yet portrays the desired information in a symphonized way. There is no accounting and finance industry-specific topic left untouched by Sagenext, our readership has a base of people who come in to read about tax, accounting, cloud hosting, latest technological advancements, and so should you!
9. Between Wall and Main
Seth David started his blog, aimed at helping accountants and small business owners to help them learn more about accounting technology. This blog offers a number of educational resources and relevant articles with a quality news section. They’re punctual in their upload schedule, and readers can find new articles every week, written by practicing accountants and business experts. Between the wall and the main also has a strong social media presence.
10. Accounting Coach
Harold Averkamp, a CPA, started this accounting blog which offers a ton of pertinent accounting information that is targeted not only to professionals but is of help to accounting students too. It targets bookkeepers and small business owners, to make them familiar with accounting concepts. This blog sports quite an interactive and easy to navigate interface, sporting features like Q&A, puzzles, practice quizzes, and accounting tutorials. The accounting coach has a paid section for people who want to dive deeper and gain more advanced learning aids. This is a great website to be referred by new and aspiring accountants.
The 4 R’s of blogging
The 4 R’s of blogging that you should look into when instilling your trust into a blogging website, or before referring their write up for your knowledge: Relevance, Regularity, Robustness, Responsibility. This implies for big names as well as smaller niche websites; if they are regular in producing relevant content and have a robust field of coverage while owning up and taking responsibility for their productions, you should not think twice before giving them your readership. Finance topics can be tricky and sometimes mundane to read, flowy writing makes it easy to go through and stand the topic all along. Refer to these 4 R’s and rest assured you’ll be viewing great content.