How to Reactivate Sage 50 on the Sage 50 Company Data Server?Sage . Feb 5th 2025 . 7 Min read

How to Reactivate Sage 50 on the Sage 50 Company Data Server?

One of the essential steps toward reactivating is finding the Sage activation key file location. While working on the Sage 50 application, you can receive the following error message:

“The activation key for Sage 50 is invalid or could not be read. Please start Sage 50 on the Sage 50 company data server to reactivate”.

Reactivate Sage 50 Message

Steps to Reactivate Sage 50 on Sage 50 Company Data Server

Note: With the launch of the Sage 50 US2020, Pervasive is rebranding to Actian.

Step 1: Activate your Program on the Server

  • “Run” the “Sage” on the server.
  • Allow the Sage to activate.
  • Now, check if you still receive the error message.

Step 2: Make use of the Actian/Pervasive on the Server

Quit and reopen Actian/Pervasive on the server. For this, follow the below steps:

  • Close the “Sage 50” on all PCs.
  • Go to the “Task Manager.
  • Click on the Details section and search for “w3dbsmgr.exe.

Note: In “Windows 7”, it will be named  the “Process” tab.

  • Go to the “Process” and select the “End task”.
  • Navigate to the Services section at the upper chamber, classify by name, and hunt for “psqlWGE.
  • Double-click “psqlWGE” and tap on “Start.
  • “Reboot” your server/computer to host the data.
  • “Configure” your “Pervasive Database Engine” to run it as a system service.

Step 3: Verify Permissions

  • Double-click on the shared folder.
  • Click on “Propertiesand move to the “Sharing” tab.
  • Hit on “Advanced sharing” and select the “Shared folder box.
  • Click “Permissions” and select “Add.
  • Enter the Windows usernames/groups having “Sage 50access.
  • Select the “Check Names to verify the usernames.
  • Assign all the added groups/users Full control.
  • Tap on “OKand then move to the “Advanced Sharing” screen.
  • Proceed to the “Security” tab.
  • Ensure “Administrators & systems” have access.
  • Click “OK”.

Step 4: Configure Firewall and Antivirus

  • Enable the “Sage” and “Actian” through the Firewall.
  • Also, exclude the application from the Antivirus scan.

Step 5: Verifying the Data Path

  • Verify the server and the workstation have the correct data path.
  • Locate the “data path” in the server.
  • Double-click and click on the “Propertiesunder the “Shared folder.
  • Write down the name of the share.
  • Navigate to each of the “workstations.
  • View the “mapped drive” to make certain to mark out the “exact shared folder.”
  • Search the data path on each workstation to verify it is pointing to the “exact mapped drive.

Note: In order to activate QuickBooks registration bypass, users need to provide their details in current ownership subheading and agree to the terms specified.

Step 6: If the Actian/Pervasive is damaged, multiple versions are installed ,or the wrong Actian/Pervasive is installed on the server

  • Manually uninstall/reinstall Actian (formerly called Pervasive).

Step 7: Missing files in the data path

  • Run “Repair” on the program.
  • Click on “Start”, and then go to the “Control Panel”.
  • Tap on the “Add/Remove” Programs.
  • Choose the “Programs and Features”.
  • Click on the “Sage 50 Accounting” from the programs list, and tap on the “Change”
  • Select “Repair, and the process will initiate.

Causes of Sage 50 Error Code

Several reasons can trigger the occurrence of Sage 50 error code, some of the following are down below:

  1. The program is unable to get activated on the server
  2. The inability of the Pervasive database engine to run as a service
  3. Incorrectly set permissions
  4. Incorrect data path
  5. Damaged Pervasive database engine
  6. Options.dat is hidden
  7. Lost files in the data path
  8. Wrong Serial Number


How Do I Change my Sage Activation Key?

Following the procedure to change the activation key on Sage 50:

  1. Navigate towards the “serveror “main computer.
  2. Launch “Sage 50”.
  3. Click Help > Sage 50 Activation > Licensing > Subscription Options.
  4. Click “OK” after choosing “Change your current version”.
  5. Type in your “New Serial Number and click the “OKbutton.
  6. Sage will close and open on its own. If it doesn’t, manually close “Sage 50and then open it again.
  7. Choose “Help“, then “About Sage 50 Accounting”.
  8. Check that the “New Serial Number is shown.

Where do I Find my Sage 50 Key Code or Sage 50 Serial Number and Activation Key?

Users can also avail Sage 50 serial number and activation key free. After purchasing Sage software, a confirmation email will be sent to you on your email ID with your serial number and activation key. This process will help you perform Sage serial number lookup procedures.

What is Sage Data Service Manager?

The Sage Accounts Data Service can install on any machine that will access your Sage 50 cloud Accounts data and operates on the computer or server where your data can store. It helps to maximize efficiency by regulating data read/write access, increasing data security, and preventing unauthorized access.

How do I Reactivate my Sage 50?

Sage 50 can be activated by following the steps given below:

  1. Navigate to the “Help” menu and select the “Sage 50 Activation” option.
  2. Click the “Activate Online Now” button.

Note: Before you reactivate Sage 50, you might be asked to fill out a brief form if it is your first time using the software.

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Sagenext Infotech LLC is an independent cloud hosting company that hosts legally licensed QuickBooks, Sage Products, and other tax and accounting applications.

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